
Travel Enthusiast Market + Media Consumption [Infographic]

Posted on July 29, 2024 by Media Culture

Travel enthusiasts, averaging 47 years old and predominantly white and female, span Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers. They are well-educated, affluent, and concentrated in cities like New York and Los Angeles. Valuing excitement and pleasure, they engage heavily in international travel, beach vacations, and resort stays. Tech-savvy, they use various apps and prioritize quality purchases. Their media habits include extensive use of internet, streaming TV, and social media while overindexing for podcasts and print media, reflecting their active and adventurous lifestyle.

For a more detailed exploration of the Travel Enthusiast audience, download our full report: "Travel Enthusiasts: Decoding Modern Adventurers and Their Media Habits".

Travel Enthusiasts

Travel Enthusiasts: Audience Insights Report

Uncover even more insights about Travel Enthusiasts by downloading our full report below.


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