
From Streaming to Social: Decoding the Media Diet of Upscale Fashionistas

Posted on September 20, 2024 by Media Culture

Understanding the media consumption habits of any demographic is crucial for marketers and brands. When it comes to upscale fashionistas, this understanding becomes even more vital, given their influence and purchasing power in the luxury market. This article delves into the diverse and dynamic media diet of these style-savvy consumers, exploring how they engage with various platforms and content types, from streaming services to social media and beyond.

For additional detail, and for a full list of sources, please make sure to download the full report: Upscale Fashionistas: Audience Insights Report.


/// The Digital-First Approach

Upscale fashionistas are not only connected but also highly discerning in their online consumption. They favor videos that align with their interests, particularly in shopping and product reviews, with 26% regularly watching such content. Additionally, they engage with computers and electronics videos (20%) and real estate content (16%). This diverse range reflects their tech-savvy nature and desire for luxury and innovation.

In terms of mobile apps, 42% of upscale fashionistas use Food & Drink apps, while 26% favor Travel apps. Their engagement with these platforms underscores a lifestyle that is both indulgent and experience-oriented, blending convenience with their high-end tastes. Business tools and productivity apps also see strong adoption (16%), indicating the professional and multitasking nature of this audience.

/// Streaming: The New Prime Time

When it comes to video content, streaming services have become the go-to choice for upscale fashionistas. A remarkable 96% of this audience engages with streaming television, signaling a shift away from traditional linear TV viewing. This preference for on-demand content aligns with their busy lifestyles and desire for personalized entertainment experiences.

Among streaming platforms, YouTube TV/YouTube Premium stands out, with 22% of upscale fashionistas subscribing to these services. This popularity could be attributed to the platform's diverse content offerings, from fashion and beauty tutorials to high-end lifestyle vlogs. Hulu With Live TV also captures a significant portion of this audience, with 13% tuning in, possibly drawn by its combination of live TV and on-demand content.

The viewing habits of upscale fashionistas reveal interesting trends. Popular shows among this group include "You" on Netflix, "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" on Amazon Prime, and "Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness" on Netflix. These choices suggest a penchant for content that is both visually striking and culturally relevant, mirroring their interest in aesthetics and current trends.

Interestingly, binge-watching is a common behavior among this group, with 79% engaging in this viewing pattern. This tendency to immerse themselves in content for extended periods could provide opportunities for brands to create more in-depth, storytelling-driven marketing campaigns.

/// Social Media: The Digital Runway

Social media plays a pivotal role in the media diet of upscale fashionistas, with 94% actively engaging on these platforms. This near-universal adoption highlights the importance of social media in shaping trends, influencing purchasing decisions, and fostering community among fashion enthusiasts.

While Facebook and YouTube boast the highest overall usage (74% and 70% respectively), it's the engagement on other platforms that truly sets this group apart. Twitch, for instance, sees an adoption rate 54% higher than the average U.S. adult among upscale fashionistas. This preference for live-streaming platforms could indicate an appetite for real-time, interactive content experiences.

Snapchat and LinkedIn also show strong popularity, with usage rates 38% and 36% higher than average, respectively. The appeal of Snapchat might lie in its ephemeral, visually-driven content format, perfect for showcasing fleeting fashion moments. LinkedIn's popularity, on the other hand, suggests that upscale fashionistas view their style choices as part of their professional brand.

Perhaps most tellingly, 15% of this audience saves their credit card information in social media apps, a rate 154% higher than average. This behavior indicates a readiness to make purchases directly through social platforms, blurring the lines between content consumption and shopping.

Related: The Diversity of Luxury: Understanding the Demographics of Upscale Fashionistas


/// The Podcast Revolution

Podcasts have carved out a significant niche in the media diet of upscale fashionistas. An impressive 65% of this audience listens to podcasts, a rate 50% higher than the average U.S. adult. This high engagement rate suggests that audio content plays a crucial role in how these fashion enthusiasts consume information and entertainment.

The podcast preferences of upscale fashionistas are as diverse as their fashion choices. Fantasy podcasts are particularly popular, with listeners 222% more likely to tune into this genre compared to the average. Drama and business podcasts also rank highly, indicating an appetite for both escapism and practical, career-focused content.

Interestingly, the majority of podcast listening occurs at home, with 39% of upscale fashionistas tuning in from their residences. This at-home listening habit could provide opportunities for brands to create immersive audio experiences that complement domestic activities or relaxation time.

/// The Resilience of Traditional Media

While digital platforms dominate, traditional media still holds a place in the hearts of upscale fashionistas. Radio, for instance, reaches 84% of this audience, with a particular preference for dance music, comedy, and urban (hip-hop/R&B) genres. This continued relevance of radio, especially during commutes and at-home listening, offers brands another avenue to reach these consumers.

Perhaps most surprisingly, print media shows remarkable resilience among this digitally-savvy group. Magazine readership among upscale fashionistas is 70% higher than the average U.S. adult, with 49% regularly consuming print magazines. Publications like Fortune, Glamour, and InStyle are particularly popular, reflecting this audience's interest in business, lifestyle, and fashion content.

Newspaper readership tells a similar story, with 41% of upscale fashionistas reading print newspapers, a rate 111% higher than average. This continued engagement with print media suggests that tangible, curated content experiences still hold value for this audience, even in our increasingly digital world.

/// The Power of Out-of-Home Advertising

Despite their heavy digital media consumption, upscale fashionistas remain receptive to out-of-home (OOH) advertising. A significant portion of this audience has noticed various forms of OOH ads in the past 30 days, including gas station digital signage (42%), digital roadside billboards (41%), and non-digital roadside billboards (33%).

More importantly, these OOH ads drive action. Upscale fashionistas are 111% more likely than average to view an advertiser's website after seeing an OOH ad, and 111% more likely to view information about the advertiser on social media. This responsiveness to OOH advertising underscores the importance of an integrated, omnichannel approach to reaching this audience.

/// The Tech-Savvy Consumer

The media consumption habits of upscale fashionistas are intrinsically linked to their relationship with technology. A significant 46% of this group are willing to pay full price for the latest tech, indicating a strong desire to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. This tech-savviness influences not just their media consumption, but also how they interact with brands and make purchasing decisions.

Mobile devices play a central role in their media diet, with 90% using mobile phones to access social media. This preference for mobile underscores the need for brands to optimize their digital content and shopping experiences for smaller screens.

/// Key Takeaways

  1. Upscale fashionistas are digital-first consumers, with 100% internet usage and 96% engagement with streaming television.
  2. Social media plays a crucial role, with platforms like Twitch, Snapchat, and LinkedIn showing high engagement rates.
  3. Podcast listenership is significantly higher than average, with a preference for fantasy, drama, and business genres.
  4. Traditional media, particularly print magazines and newspapers, show surprising resilience among this digitally-savvy group.
  5. Out-of-home advertising remains effective, driving online engagement and social media activity.
  6. Mobile devices are central to their media consumption, emphasizing the need for mobile-optimized content and experiences.

/// Conclusion

The media diet of upscale fashionistas is as diverse and dynamic as their style choices. While digital platforms dominate, with streaming services and social media at the forefront, traditional media continues to play a significant role. This multifaceted approach to media consumption reflects the complex nature of these consumers, who seamlessly blend digital and physical experiences in their pursuit of style and luxury.

Understanding and leveraging the unique media consumption habits of upscale fashionistas can help brands create more targeted, effective marketing strategies. By meeting these consumers where they are – across a diverse array of media platforms – brands can forge stronger connections and ultimately drive engagement and sales in the competitive luxury market.

Elevate your brand's reach by leveraging the diverse media habits of upscale fashionistas. Partner with us to craft a multi-channel strategy that resonates across streaming, social, podcasts, and print. From creating binge-worthy content to designing mobile-first experiences, we'll help you engage this tech-savvy, style-conscious audience. Tap into our expertise to build a cohesive media presence that captures attention and drives conversions in the competitive luxury market.

For deeper insights and data into marketing to Upscale Fashionistas, download our comprehensive Audience Insights Report below.


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