
Back-to-School Shoppers Market + Media Consumption [Infographic]

Posted on August 9, 2024 by Media Culture

Back-to-school consumers, typically 39-year-old Millennial/Gen X parents, are predominantly White females with significant Black and Hispanic representation. Residing in mid-sized Southern/Midwestern cities, they value tradition, achievement, and family safety. Their lifestyle revolves around family activities and maintaining an active household. They prefer family-friendly, fun products and are influenced by brand and convenience. Tech-savvy, they heavily consume internet, streaming TV, and social media, with a notable interest in podcasts. This audience balances modern technology use with traditional family values in their daily lives.

For a more detailed exploration of the Back-to-School Shoppers audience, download our full report: "Back-to-School Shoppers: Charting the Habits of Value-Seeking Modern Parents".



Back-to-School Shoppers: Audience Insights Report

Uncover even more insights about Back-to-School Shoppers by downloading our full report below.


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